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The President is the legal representative of the Accademia, which is governed by a Council of ten members. The Council and President are elected every 3 years by a Members’ Assembly. According to the Statute, the President is helped by a Committee composed of the General Secretary, Treasurer and Museum Director. The other organs of the Accademia are the “College of Auditors” and the “College of Probiviri”. The names of the current President and Council members can be found at this link.

The President is the legal representative of the Accademia, which is governed by a Council of ten members. The Council and President are elected every 3 years by a Members’ Assembly. According to the Statute, the President is helped by a Committee composed of the General Secretary, Treasurer and Museum Director. The other organs of the Accademia are the “College of Auditors” and the “College of Probiviri”. The names of the current President and Council members can be found at this link.

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